Friends of the library
Our Friends of the Choteau Teton Public Library (501c3 organization) group is an important part of the library. The group is responsible for fundraising for special projects, volunteering around the library, providing funding for summer reading program, and being library advocates in the community.
Upcoming projects include:
Special projects the Friends group has completed recently include:
signage for the back of the building
supporting summer reading by purchasing prizes
adding books to the children’s non-fiction collection
entering into an agreement to maintain the outdoor space next to the library for public usage
painting the foyer and book sale room area of the library
local artist mural on outside south wall of library
replacing the shades on the library windows
book sale
The Friends of the Library group maintains our book sale room and will be setting up a book sale booth during the Fourth of July celebration. In previous years, our volunteers have sold books at the local farmer’s market also.
Our volunteers have helped out around the library in many ways. They have helped us weed the collection, move collection materials, dust shelves, and assist with programs at the library. We APPRECIATE our volunteers.
Our Friends of the Library group plays an integral role in helping to secure library funding through being library champions when we need to ask for additional funding from voters and writing grants to help fund special projects. Our friends also encourage community members to take advantage of all the services at the library.